The Role of parents in a child’s career selection.

The Role of parents in a child’s career selection.
Parents serve as a major influence on their children’s career development and career decision- making. Ensuring one’s children are set up for a successful career, future financial security and good quality of life is a pressing challenge for every parent.
Tips to help your child’s career development:
1. Encourage your children to get as much education as possible.
2. Help them to discover their innate talents and skills.
3. Develop their knowledge of the world of work.
4. Teach them decision- making skills.
5.Value gender equity and cultural diversity.
6.Aid, but not dictate, the decision-making process.
Support your child’s decisions.
7. Stop your child from falling prey to peer pressure and herd mentality.
8. Gain your Child’s confidence and motivate them to discuss their queries with you.
9. Evaluate your child’s aptitude, strengths, and weaknesses.
10. Providing your children with an atmosphere that motivates them to express better and listening with patience is the key to solving this issue. The child may be wrong but as a parent, it’s your responsibility to reason with them rather than getting angry. Children are impulsive by nature.
11. Not everyone is the same. Every child is different in one or the other manner; some have good writing skills while others possess great communication skills and strong intellect for mathematics. So, parents should show them what they are good at rather than impose their own decisions on children.
12. Remember parental advice is invaluable, but school leavers must make their own particular career choices.
13. Become aware of career resources/ education and training opportunities.
14. Look at the list of proposed courses and find out if your son/daughter has researched each course thoroughly.
15. Prepare a backup plan if the predicted results do not happen.
1. Do not dictate a child’s decision rather guide them towards taking an informed decision.
2. Do not burden the child with unreal expectations.
3. Don’t be impatient when dealing with children.
4. Career scope changes with time; do not try to impose the ideas or views that existed during your days.
5. Do not misguide the child into choosing a career of your choice
6. Do not answer a child’s query if you are not sure about it. It’s ok to take time, research, or seek professional help.
7. Do not allow other people (friends, extended family, or relatives) to influence your child in the career selection process.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The
the author does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

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