The reality of fundraising apps/sites.

The reality of fundraising apps/sites.

These sites and apps are becoming more popular and becoming a platform between the campaigners and donors.
All these fees is to be paid by campaigners
A fee of 6% for NGO, 4.5% for individuals.
3% transaction fee.
GST of 18 %.
Platform fees of 5%.
Transaction fees of 3%
GST (not mentioned in the site how much is exactly).
3.Patreon( mostly used by youtubers/ public figure/creator of the content)
Lite- 5% +transaction fee (not mentioned).
Pro – 8% +transaction fee(not mentioned).
Premium-12% +transaction (not mentioned).
-10% of the total funds.
Platform fees – 6%.
Transaction fees- 3%.
My opinion.
1.Better to give a person directly to have full advantage of the funds.
2. If anyone is known to us who are needy we can collect money from our friends and help him.
3. There are many charitable trusts which don’t take platform fees and help the needy 100 % of your funded money.
4.If some want to donate more than this he/ she can help people through these sites.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

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