Suicide : Why people end their life?

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.
1.According to WHO data, Close to 800 000 people die by suicide every year.
2.In 2018 1.3lacks of Indians died because of suicides (NCRB Data).
3.For each suicide, there are more than 20 suicide attempts.
4.Females are more likely to attempt suicide but males are more likely to complete suicide.
Most important cause:
Most often, suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can’t cope when you’re faced with what seems to be an overwhelming life situation.
Warning signs/ risk factors of suicide.
3.Loss of interest.
7.Relief/Sudden Improvement.
8.Feel hopeless, worthless, agitated, socially isolated or lonely.
9.Talking about killing or harming oneself, talking or writing a lot about death or dying.
1. When someone finds warning signs of suicide in our friends/ family then talk to them.
2. While talking with him/her listen patiently, be sympathetic and judgemental, offer hope, and take words seriously.
3. Encourage positive lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet, plenty of sleep, and getting out in the sun or into nature for at least 30 minutes each day.
4. Exercise is also extremely important as it releases endorphins, relieves stress, and promotes emotional well-being.
5. Remove potential means of suicide like razors, firearms, pills, knives.
6. In some cases, professional help from psychiatrists is needed.
7. Keep the person with you and give support.
1. Stay with family or with friends rather alone because loneliness is a risk factor.
2.Have a positive mindset always.
3.Avoid negative people who are around.
4.Whatever problem you get, share it with near ones because sharing decreases your mental pressure.
5.Don’t do the things which are very difficult to complete because if we aren’t able to complete it can lead to depression.
6.Don’t take on too much debt or loan because it’s difficult to pay back them.
7.Don’t invest your money where you don’t have any guarantee.
8.Avoid alcohol and drugs.
National helpline no:9152987821
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Dr Saad Mohmed Athanikar orthopedic surgeon.


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