Stress : How to handle it

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Each and every person might have suffered from stress in his/her life.  Much like exercise is a physical stress imposed upon the body that makes it stronger, stress also has the potential to make us stronger and capable of handling greater amounts of stress. 

Causes of stress:

Many causes of stress are there but I will discuss only important ones.

1.Loss of job.

2.The death of loved ones.


4.Chronic illness or injury.

5.Financial burden by taking extra debts from the bank and difficulty in paying back.

6.Work load at work place.

Physical symptoms of stress:

1.Low energy


3.Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea

4.Aches, pains, and tense muscles

5.Chest pain and rapid heartbeat

6.Insomnia(decrease sleep).

7.Frequent colds and infections

8.Loss of sexual desire.

9.Nervousness and shaking.

10.Ringing in the ear.

11.Cold or sweaty hands and feet.

12.Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing.

13.Clenched jaw and grinding teeth.

How to overcome it?

1.Adequate rest to body and mind:

Everyone’s body needs adequate amount of rest in order to work effectively in their daily routine. Give minimum 7-8hours of sleep especially night sleep. It provides rest to body and mind.

2.Meditations and regular exercises:

Give some time to meditate and regular exercises in order to keep mind cool and calm.

3.Avoid excessive use of cell phone:

Many times we use phone when we don’t need it. Surfing through internet, Facebook, what’s app, instagram and many more eats your time and you have less time for important work will cause stress at work. Use your phone when you need it. 

4.Don’t take debts from bank or anyone when you don’t need it much. Many jobs are not permanent ones and we don’t know what will happens next so better to avoid taking loans on vehicles, home etc.

5.If some one is in stress discuss with their friends/relatives who are well wishers. This decrease stress levels and many times we will get solution for that stress factor.

6.Set realistic goals and expectations. It’s okay and healthy to realize you cannot be 100% successful at everything all at once. Be mindful of the things you can control and work on accepting the things that you can’t control.

7.Always have positive attitude. Don’t be negative, every one will have some negative points or failures In life. Don’t over think about what has happened in the past. Past is past, think about the future.

8.Don’t be panic at the time of stress act wisely and calmly. Many people become panic and have difficulty in managing stress.

Hope you like my blog. Please comment below.

Dr Saad Mohammad Athanikar.

Orthopaedic surgeon.

2 thoughts on “Stress : How to handle it

  1. Heading is very Classy…stress: an insight ..Stress is a normal one which make us strong bt it should not go to the entity called distress 👍

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