Oxidants VS Antioxidants: Who is the winner?

Every one sees advertisements which show that oil is enriched with antioxidants, face wash enriched with antioxidants, hair oil enriched with antioxidants and many more. What are oxidants and antioxidants? Let’s know in detail.

What are oxidants?

Oxidants are reactive molecules that are produced both inside your body and the environment.

What oxidants do?

These oxidants can react with other cellular molecules in our body such as protein, DNA and lipids. When it does that, it damages molecules and it’s what causes disease and inflammation. 

These free radicals effects the following structures:

1.Deterioration of the eye lens, which contributes to vision loss.

2.Inflammation of the joints (arthritis).

3.Damage to nerve cells in the brain, which contributes to conditions (such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease).

4.Acceleration of the ageing process.

5.Increased risk of coronary heart disease, since free radicals encourage low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to stick to artery walls.

6.Certain cancers triggered by damaged cell DNA.

Endogenous antioxidants?

Our body will produce its own anti-oxidants like alpha lipoic acid and glutathione. This helps in eliminating the oxidants from our body.

Exogenous antioxidants?

These are taken from outside in the form of food. Especially vitamins and minerals,  like vitamins C and E and the minerals copper, zinc, and selenium. 

Antioxidants rich food:

1.Vitamin C enriched fruits like all citrus fruits like lemon, orange. Pepper, strawberries, black currants, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C.

2.Vitamin E enriched foods like Almond, Wheat germ oil, Avocado and peanuts.

3.Allium Sulphur compounds – leeks, onions and garlic.

4.anthocyanins – eggplant, grapes and berries.

5.Beta-carotene – pumpkin, mangoes, apricots, carrots, spinach and parsley.

6.Catechins – red wine and tea.

7.Copper – seafood, lean meat, milk and nuts.

8.Cryptoxanthins – red capsicum, pumpkin and mangoes.

9.Flavonoids – tea, green tea, citrus fruits, red wine, onion and apples.

Does a human need exogenous antioxidants?

Yes, he needs exogenous antioxidants in the form of a proper diet. Natural antioxidants in the form of fruits and vegetables are better options for exogenous antioxidants. 

Do excessive antioxidants damage the body?

Anything in excess to the body is harmful. Indeed, too much of these antioxidant supplements won’t help you and may even harm you.(Harvard University Paper) It is better to supply your antioxidants from a well-rounded diet.

My opinion:

1.Always prefer to have antioxidants containing food in your diet.

2.Green tea at least twice a week is recommended.

Dr Saad Mohammad Athanikar.

Orthopaedic surgeon.

10 thoughts on “Oxidants VS Antioxidants: Who is the winner?

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  2. Super inf Dr.Saad bhai. Bhai i Want to know Is der any home remedies for joints pains like dis?

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