Language and its impact on a doctor’s practice.

Language and its impact on a doctor’s practice.
Language is an important aspect of communication.
In India, people speak 23 different types of languages. Especially for doctors where the patient
has to convey his/her problem and he/she has to understand the advice of the doctor language
the patient plays an integral role.
Research articles that show the effects of language on doctor’s practice.
1. Research in the UC Irvine School of Medicine has found that language barriers between
patients and healthcare providers result in longer hospital stays, more medical errors, and lower
patient satisfaction (2007).
2. Wayne State University researchers have found that when patients and providers speak the
same language, patients report less confusion and better health care quality (2011).
3. Providing services to patients and service users that acknowledge their language needs is
central to meeting their care requirements with respect and dignity (NHS 2013).
4. Patients across all language proficiencies valued positive interactions with their providers.
Confidence in one’s doctor, good staff- and provider-patient relationships, and active listening
skills are all essential for rapport-building. ( 2018).
1. Practice yourself where your hometown is because you know the local language.
2. Learn the native language where you are practicing.
3.Last option: hire a translator.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The
the author does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

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