How to help the poor?

How to help the poor?


Poor is basically an adjective which means lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society. Poverty is not permanent like our degrees, it’s just temporary. Some were poor when they were children, now they are rich and vice versa.


Now in a materialistic world where everything is equated with money, due to modernization rich people are living in different areas and poor living in different areas and many more factors which leads to decrease contact between rich and poor people.

Few tips in order to help poor:


1.Start buying vegetables and small items from street vendors. Many people burn their fuel and go to the supermarket for vegetables. If we buy vegetables from the street vendors who are next to our home or apartment we can save fuel and help them for their livelihood.


2.Stop bargaining with these street vendors and small shops. Pay them according to the market value.


3.We should behave well with the street vendors, they too have a family to look after.


4.Spare some time and money to help the poor. They have their problems in life which they want to share. Their problems are so much that sometimes listeners will also shed his/her tears. They need someone to listen and tell them everything is alright.


5.Many times we have some relatives who are poor, these relatives are the first choice to help them. Mostly neglected by many people.


6.Dont waste the food, if you have excess please give it to others.


7.We can help poor people by helping their children for higher education, for their children’s Marriage, for opening a small business for their livelihood, for medical expenses and many more.


8.We can donate money for NGOs who are working at different levels in the country.



By helping each other we collectively make the country better.


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