
Gut friendly foods.

Gut Friendly Foods.

Nowadays many people are suffering from Irritable bowel syndrome(diarrhea and constipation type). This is because of dietary habits, eating outside and many more. For proper gut functioning we need to have a proper diet. I will discuss food which are gut friendly.

1.Yoghurt or Curd: There is very little difference between yoghurt and curd. Curd is prepared at home while yoghurt is prepared at industry level. Sometimes yoghurt has been flavoured but the curd taste remains the same. Curd contains Lactobacillus bacterium while yogurt contains live strains of both Lactobacillus Bulgaricus bacterium and streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria are needed for the proper functioning of the gut. Nowadays recommendations for weight loss are three servings per day. That might be enough for gut functioning.


2.Bananas: One of nature’s handiest and healthiest snacks, bananas are full of the kind of fibre that good bacteria enjoy. They also contain healthy minerals. Diabetes patients need to avoid this as it has a high glycemic index.


3 Raspberries:One cup of raspberries has a whopping 8 grams of fiber, about one third of your Daily Value. Raspberries are a rich source of polyphenols, potent antioxidants that your gut microbes love to nosh.


4.Beans and legumes: Don’t steer clear of beans for fear of having gas. It’s actually a good sign. When beans and legumes, such as black beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils and white beans, reach the large intestine they are still intact. It’s there that gut bacteria feed on them. This process is called fermentation. And the byproduct is Gas. So while it may be awkward, you can feel good about it because your bugs are hard at work.



5.Garlic:Think food-as-medicine when you cook with garlic. Garlic may help reduce the risk of heart disease and is also anti-inflammatory in the body. Inulin and fructooligosaccharides are the two main fibers in garlic, a dynamic prebiotic duo.


6.Pears: Pears are a prebiotic food for the gut but also contain pectin, a compound that helps lower cholesterol.

7.Watermelon:Watermelon is naturally high in prebiotics with 1 gram of fructan per cup. One cup also has 14% DV for vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights inflammation, is the building block of collagen and increases the absorption of iron.


8.Apples:Apples along with their skin contain large amounts of fibers. These fibers are good for your guts.


Others include cereals with a high fibre content.


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Dr Saad Mohammad Athanikar.

Orthopedic surgeon.


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