Fasting and food.
1.Aviod tea/Coffee especially in Saher because it has diuretic action which causes water loss, so dehydration.
2.Aviod high sugar food/ drinks because they get digested easily and quickly and make you hungry much sooner.
3.Aviod carbonated/ fizzy drink at the time of iftar as it causes indigestion and fullness of stomach.
4.Fresh fruits, juices and veggies with high water content will keep you hydrated.
5.Aviod hot and spicy dishes as it causes thirst.
6.Drinking cold water to break the fast causes vasoconstriction and indigestion, so it is better to use normal water/ slightly cold water at the time of iftar.
7.Minimum amount of water needed in 24hrs is 2 liters.
Dr Saad Mohammed Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.
Addition of related sunnahs to the posts would be much appreciated.
Jazakallahukhair 👍👍