Does the Indian closet save water?

Does the Indian closet save water?
Water is the most precious resource on earth.
A normal Indian man needs on average 150-200litres of water for his daily needs.
A normal person urinates nearly 6-8 times a day and defecates once a day. Take an average of 7times a day for urination. An average low volume western closet flush tank capacity is 6 liters. So 6 x 7 = 42 liters of water. For defecation, we need to flush both toilets. In India, if we think we are staying as a family of four then 42 x 4 = 168litres of water is flushed every day by a single-family.
If we use Indian closet then there is no need to flush after urination if you are using water to clean the private parts. So by just using a Indian closet we can save 168 liters of water in a single day and 5040 liters a month. In summer we have water scarcity so it is advisable those who are young people can use Indian closet and those who are suffering from osteoarthritis or other problems so that they can’t use Indian closet they can opt for western closet.
Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

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