How to prevent diabetes?
“Sugar is not so sweet to the palate as sound to the healthy ear”.
Nov 14 is marked as World diabetes day in order to create awareness.
Statistics in India.
1.India has 77 Million diabetes patients currently.
2.Indian stands second at the place in total number of diabetes patients next to china(May be because of the population).
3.One in six people in the world with diabetes is from India.
4.Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 when compared with western countries.
5.Southern states of India have a high prevalence rate.
Types of diabetes:
1.Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus/ Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
2.Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus/Non Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
This classification is a broad classification. There are so many subtypes. There is no need to discuss here.
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus affects young population while Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus affects middle age and old population.
Risk Factors:
2.High Triglycerides levels in blood.
3.High fat and carbohydrate diet.
4.Sedentary Lifestyle.
5.High blood pressure.
6.Gestational(pregnancy) diabetes mellitus.
Signs and symptoms:
There are so many symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus, but will discuss most common symptoms.
1.Excessive hunger.
2.Excessive thirst.
4.Weight gain or weight loss
5.Frequent urination.
6.Blurred vision.
7.Poor wound healing.
Test for diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus.
1.Random blood sugar (RBS).
2.Fasting blood sugar(FBS).
3.Post Prandial blood sugar(PPBS).
4.Glycated hemoglobin (HBA1C) – This shows how much glycemic control has occurred in the last 3 months.
When to approach the doctor:
1.Above 50 years regular blood sugar levels analysis.
2.In case of any symptoms mentioned above please report immediately to the nearest health care facility.
3.If the parents are suffering from diabetes Mellitus screening should be started as early as possible.
Is diabetes mellitus curable?
Patients have to take medication life long, depending on the levels of sugar physicians will adjust the dosage.
Long term consequences of diabetes mellitus:
1.CardioVascular disease.
5.Hearing impairment.
6.Skin problems.
7.Foot problem.
8.Leg infections.
Prevention is always better than cure.
1.Daily exercises of 20-30mins at least 4 times a week is mandatory.
2.Avoid high calorie diet.
3.Avoid sedentary lifestyle.
4.In case of high risk individual regular blood sugar analysis is needed.
5.Avoid becoming overweight/obese.
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Start doing exercise daily.
Dr Saad Mohammad Athanikar.
Orthopaedic surgeon.
Jazak Allah
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