Complete foot care.

Complete foot care

Now the rainy season has arrived so many people suffer from foot problems. So I thought let’s write a blog on complete foot care. Here are the few tips for foot care.

1.Footwear: Most important part of foot care is the selection of footwear. In this era of fashion, many people try to take footwear depending on the looks. They don’t even think how comfortable the footwear is. Always give preference to the comfort of your feet rather than looks. The footwear should have a soft sole and be comfortable to the toes. Those who do jobs have to be on footwear for nearly 10-12 hours. For them footwear selection is important. It is recommended to use shoes rather than slippers and sandals. One inch of the heel is recommended. Don’t use high heel footwear. Those who are fond of narrow tip shoes my recommendation is always to opt for one size more and use lace to tighten it. Give space to your toes. My personal recommendation is British walkers by khadims. You can select according to comfort and ease. Daily polish of shoes is important as it repels the water from the surface. Oil-based shoe polish is the best. Keep the shoes dry in order to prevent moisture and infections. If you are staying at a place where continuous rain is there better to keep one hairdryer for drying the shoes. Don’t use this hair dryer for your hairs. Use this only for footwear. Sports shoes need to be washed once in a month as it contains lots of sweat.

2.Socks: Second part of foot care is about socks. Daily we have to change our socks. Remove the socks after coming home. Keep your socks aside. Don’t keep in your shoes. Let the shoes have some air circulation inside. Never use socks when your feet are wet.

 3.Clipping of nails: We take extra care to remove our fingernails as it is visible easily. But toenails are given less importance. Toenails grow very slowly, so you can clip once every fortnight.

4.Heel pain: Most common complaint of the foot. Heel pain can be managed at home. Avoid hard sole footwear. Wear soft sole footwear both inside the home and outside. Keep outside footwear outside the home don’t use inside the home in order to prevent infections and dirt. Keep feet in warm water mixed with salt daily morning for 10/15mins. So do below exercises daily for 15 mins.

5.Crack heel. Most women complain of crack heels. For crack heels use slippers inside the home. Use scrubber at night and apply cold cream or coconut oil.

6.Fungus infections in between toes: This is the most common problem. Almost all people suffer through this. A small trick can help you to prevent fungal infections. In between toes use tissue paper during sleep. This removes moisture and helps in the circulation of air. 


Hope you like this blog. Please comment below.


Dr Saad Mohammad Athanikar.

Orthopaedic surgeon.

10 thoughts on “Complete foot care.

    1. Use warm water with salt in morning time for 20 mins. If still symptoms persist need to visit orthopedic surgeon/ general surgeon.

  1. Hiii saad bro…ur doing great job ..nice information in simple words…best work..keep it up bro..all the best

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