Blood donation: Help others.

On June 14, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). 

Transfusion of blood and blood products helps and saves millions of lives every year. It can help patients who suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and perinatal care.

Blood components:

1.Red cells.


3.Fresh frozen plasma.


5.Plasma derivatives manufactured from pooled plasma donations in plasma fractionation centres.

Use of blood components:



3.Surgery(Cardio vascular, orthopedics, general surgery, genecology surgery).

4.Accidents/ trauma.


6.Severe burns.

Criteria for blood donation:

1.Age between 18-65 years.

2.Body Weight at least 50kg.

3.You must be in good health at the time you donate.

4.You cannot donate if you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug or any other infection.

5.If you have recently had a tattoo or body piercing you cannot donate for 6 months from the date of the procedure. 

6.If you have visited the dentist for a minor procedure you must wait 24 hours before donating for major work wait a month.

7.Minimum hemoglobin of 12g/dl for women and 13g/dl for men.

8.Individuals with HIV, Hepatitis infection cannot give blood.

9.Individuals with travel history to mosquito borne infection to endemic area cannot give blood.

10.If you engaged in at risk sexual activity in the past 12 months.


1.When ever someone gets an opportunity just donate the blood.

2.Many thalassemia patients across the world need regular transfusion so one can visit Thalassemia society and when ever needed donate blood.

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Dr Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

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