Backpain: An unsolved problem of Indian women

Back Pain: An unsolved problem of Indian women.

Back Pain is one of the most common complaints in Indian women. At some point, every woman experiences back pain in her life. After a girl gets married she has to do lots of chores in her daily routine. Most of them have to get up early in the morning and sleep late at night which reduces the total amount of rest period. Culture norms like eating at last for daughter in law, leads to  less food with less nutrition. She will feel embarrassed to tell that she is suffering from back pain. The interval between the pregnancies is very less, there is hardly any time to recover. Moreover, obesity in Indian women adds extra risk. Because of all these factors back pain remains an unsolved problem for Indian women.



1.Some studies have shown the prevalence of up to 42% in Indian women.

  1. 60% of women who experience back pain show moderate disability.


Important cause

1.Overworked at home and workplace.

2.Improper posture or method of work.

3.Less amount of rest.



6.Less gap between two pregnancies.

7.Lack of proper nutrition.

8.Lack of physical exercise.


The most common type of back pain is mechanical backpain but if anyone has red flag signs he/she has to visit the doctor.

Red flag signs:

1.History of trauma.



4.Unexplained weight loss.

5.History of cancer. 

6.Long-term steroid use.

7.Parenteral drug abuse.

8.Intense localized pain and an inability to get into a comfortable position.


1.Adequate rest.

2.Aviod lifting of heavy weight and bending forward.

3.Proper nutrition including 250ml of milk in routine diet.

4.Daily exposure to sunlight in order to get an adequate dose of vitamin D.

5.Proper posture while working.

6.Physiotherapy : back strengthening exercises.

Following are back strengthening exercises every one has to follow.




Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

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