A Girl child: Still a burden in Indian society?

A Girl child: Still a burden in Indian society?
The existence of human life on the earth is impossible without the equal participation of both women and men. Gender is there for identification not for differentiation. They are equally responsible for the survival of the human race on the earth. They are also liable for the development and growth of a nation. However, the existence of women is more important than men. Because without her we cannot think about our existence. So, to save humans from extinction we have to take measures to save girl children.
Islamic perspective regarding daughters:
“To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He creates what He wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills males. Or He makes them [both] males and females, and He renders whom He wills barren. Indeed, He is Knowing and Competent.” [Qur’an 49:50].
We notice in the above verse that the mention of daughters preceded that of sons, and the scholars commented on this saying: “This is to hearten daughters and encourage kindness towards them”
Our perception about female child:
1.Parents desire to have a boy.
2.In Indian society, everyone wants an ideal mother, sister, wife, and daughter in law. But they never want that girl to be their daughter.
3.There are other social evils in society that forces many parents to avoid having a girl child.
4 These other social evils are dowry deaths, female feticide, and some others.
What Girls Can Do?
Although girls are ahead of boys in many fields but still people prefer a male child. Girls have proven themselves better in every field than boys. And due to their hard work and dedication, they have been to space as well. They are more talented, obedient, hardworking, and responsible for the family and their life. Besides, girls are more caring and loving towards their parents. Above all, they give 100% in every work.
1.For saving the girl child the first step should start from within our homes.
2.We should educate our family members, neighbors, friends, and relatives to save them and make other people aware of their importance .
3We should encourage our family members to embrace a girl child just like they embrace a boy.
4.A girl child deserves a life where she is treated as equal to a male child.
5.She should be loved and respected like everyone else.
6.This question is for boys who demand for dowry, don’t you feel ashamed to ask wealth from in-laws ?
7.Stop taking dowry .
Hope we will change our mindset and start embracing the girl child .
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

8 thoughts on “A Girl child: Still a burden in Indian society?

  1. 100% true Dr Saad , I really appreciate your efforts which will make a change in society , regarding the prepared mind set of ppl , those who think females are Inferior to males… as you said females are much better than males in every aspects… they should be treated well with respect. And Dowry system should be abolished and ppl should start social boycott of Those ppl and should not go to their marriages those who demand dowry from their in-laws . Thanks
    doctor Saad
    for enlightening us.

  2. If verse in Quran places girls before boys in preference of order as the great favour to girls
    Even in Hindu system it’s like “matrudevobava then pitrudevobava and acharya devobava”

    The preference of respect is to mother then father and teacher is given here..

    The gender inequality mainly because the girl child will go the in-law’s family
    Hence it will not add fortune to your existing family is the reason girl is considered a burden

    But now with onset of nuclear families and equal Educational and job opportunities
    The condition changing at rapid pace
    Don’t link everything to religion

    1. Kishore, I never degrade and upgrade any religion. I never commented which religion is good or bad. You took in wrong way.

  3. Awesome, You have shown/written the original value of Child girl according to Deen and Duniya. Let this society can understand from this content and put their efforts to give a happy life to their Child Girl instead of getting burdened when they give birth to Baby Girls.

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