Mother: An insight.

Mother: An insight.

A mother whose replacement can never be done by others.

Mother when compared to father has the toughest task in the upbringing of her children. She needs more love and care from children in her old age. Mother’s heart is very soft and she has unconditional love towards her children. She always loves her children even though some children leave her alone.

Brief journey of a Mother :

1.Pregnancy is the toughest part of a woman’s life. During pregnancy she has to undergo so many hardships for 9 months.

2.In pregnancy she suffers vomiting, nausea, back pain, increased heart rate, increased metabolism and much more.

3.After carrying the baby for 9 months she has to deliver a baby with pain and ample loss of blood.

4.Many mother  end their life at the time of birth. MMR(Maternal mortality rate) in India  (2015-2017) is 122/1 lakh live births. So many mothers lose their life while giving birth.

5.After the birth of her newborn she has to take care of breastfeeding and many other things.

6.Infant needs regular feeding within 1-2 hrs., so she has to feed her infant at night as well.

7.Mother has to take care of urination, defecation, bathing and all aspects of child care.

8.Many times she might be having food, suddenly the infant will start crying for feed or for wetting of diapers, she has to leave that food and take care of her infant and she might skip her food.

9.Many times infants urinate and defecate on the mother’s lap but she never felt complains.

10.While fulfilling a child’s wishes she sacrifices a lot.

11.Many times she won’t take new clothes / gold / other things in order to fulfill the needs of her children.

Attitude of children towards mother(parents)  after becoming adult:

1.In Indian culture, where three generations –  grandparents, parents and grandchildren used to live under a single roof. This is the best for the family. But due to modernization we are losing this culture. Now couples don’t want to stay with their parents.

2.Once we become adults we start neglecting our parents and forgetting all their sacrifices.

3.After marriage, the wife will become more important than the mother.

4.Some people think of their mother as a maid in her home, she has to do whatever her children orders.

5.She is neglected in front of others.

6.Son gives less amount of money and time to his mother.

7.I visited nearly 40 old age homes in Hyderabad under some project, my observation was 70% of the old age homes are occupied by women.

8.Nearly 90% old age homes occupants have their children who are living with family. Only 10% don’t have their children.

9.I met an old woman in an old age home. She was a retired professor from a government University. Her children are in a good position, they don’t want her mother to stay with them.

10.After marriage a guy does lots of shopping for his wife but not for his mother.

11.In old age mind will become like childish, asking so many questions as children ask but son will get irritated with the repetitive questions from parents, we don’t remember those days when we were kids when we used to ask so many questions, our mother used to answer each question as if she is answering for the first time. Now she asks one question 2-3 times and we get irritated.

Tips for parents.

1.Give moral education along with formal education. Nowadays parents give importance to formal education for their child’s career. Both should be given parallel.

2.Teach children spirituality and importance of parents.

3.My observation is that children who are brought up along with grandparents have more moral values than others.

4.My observation is that when parents have expectations from the day of birth of their child that my child will take care of me in my old age then that child will definitely take care.

5.If parents have doubts about children that they might not take care of me in my old age so I have to get a good property so that I can survive alone in old age. The same thing happens with them.

6.Have good hopes and expectations from children.

Tips for children.

1.Stay with parents if possible.

2.If someone is staying away from them because of some reason then take care of them.

3.Never talk loudly in front of mother/parents.

4.Listen to them carefully, they are your well wishers.

5.When you go shopping for your wife , if you are taking a dress of 5k then at least bring a 2.5k dress to your mother.

6.Have a balance between wife and mother, both are important and both have different responsibilities.

7.Always remember one day will come when  I too will become old and at that time I too will need help.

8.Spend quality time with them.

In this blog some expressions might feel bad for some people, I am sorry for the same.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

Dr. Saad Mohammad Athanikar, orthopedic surgeon.

15 thoughts on “Mother: An insight.

  1. Spending quality time with parents, talking to them , listening to them and having cool interactions them gives lot of happiness , pleasure n comfort to them… Dr Saad very short n sweet analysis…👍

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